92,567 Musicians 92,332 Ads
14,629 Songs 525 Opinions



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      1. About SoloMusicos.com
      a. Who is behind?
      SoloMusicos.com is an initiative created by two young men of Barcelona (Spain), David Albertos (ex Inquietudes Fanzine) and Félix Javier Arbelo (vocals and guitar - El Último Ingenuo), without any help or public or private support. This initiative borns on December 31, 2005 after a year of hard work.
      b. How did the idea?
      Felix J. Arbelo was part of an old band, which always lacked a drummer or a bassist for a concert or, for example, record a demo. Result of this experience and using the Internet as a channel, he believed necessary to create an effective system on the Internet that allows any musician to find and connect with other musicians of similar interests and influences.
      In 2005, David Albertos was responsible for carrying out the hardest part of this initiative: development of each and every one of the services that SoloMusicos has and is adding over time. Both are the SoloMusicos.com Team
      c. How has developed SoloMusicos.com?
      The creation of the website is based on the PHP web programming language and the MYSQL databases management system.
      d. Who is it for?
      On SoloMusicos.com has place any musician, whether professional or amateur, interested in contacting other musicians with which to complete a project or a musical training, in order to perform concerts, record albums,....
      Also, any person not related with the world of music that, for example, requires to contact with some musician to schedule concerts at his restaurant in a certain style of music, weddings, parties, etc..
      e. What does offer SoloMusicos in comparision with other websites about musicians?
      SoloMusicos.com aims to be a meeting point where to put in contact all kinds of musicians: drums, bass, guitar, singer, ... And therefore, enhance music creation and the emergence of employment opportunities for musicians in countries and regions worldwide.
      f. Do all web services are free?
      Definitely yes. This is a website by and for musicians. All SoloMusicos.com services are free and unlimited usage, if properly used.
      g. How can I start using these services?
      To this end, we ask only a previous process of "Register" and "Activation" of your email account, which is also free and will take you less than 5 minutes. Once registered and activated properly, you can access with your email and password with which you are registered.
      h. Can I sign up for more than one country?
      No. SoloMusicos.com want to encourage the creation of musicians communities by country, so join the country that you reside. Still, you can view and contact with musicians from other countries.
      i. I cannīt find my country on SoloMusicos. What happened?
      SoloMusicos.com has a short life in which initially focused on supporting musicians from Spain and Latin America. Our intention is to expand this great community to other countries and languages. Any proposal in this regard is welcome.
      j. Can I have as many user accounts as I want?
      Yes, it is possible if you register with another different email. However, it is advisable not to have more than one, if each additional user account is an unnecessary duplication of your profile.
      k. I like your logo. Can I use it?
      SoloMusicos is a registered trademark. Still, it can be used for any purpose that has to do with the spread of the initiative (exchange of banners, links, DINA A3 posters, pamphlets, etc).

      2. Register and Activation
      b. Do I need to register?
      SoloMusicos.com aims to be a free and effective community for all those musicians and bands who are looking for other musicians. In this sense, only when there is a lot of registered users, SoloMusicos.com is an effective tool for everyone.
      c. How can I register?
      The registration on SoloMusicos.com is very simple and consists of three phases: "Register", "Activation" and creation of your "Musical Profile". Go to the country where you reside and complete the data of "Register", using the indications that appears along the process.
      d. Why do you need my email?
      It is important to check the email you entered is correct before registering. Otherwise, you will not receive the activation email and, of course, other musicians can not contact with you.
      e. How long will it take to register?
      The registration will take you less than 5 minutes but it is important to pay attention to all the information we request. You just have to do this process once.
      f. Why can I not find my city?
      SoloMusicos provides for each country the cities of more than 1,000 inhabitants, in order to standardize the names of the municipalities and provide a efficient search of musicians.
      g. Can I change my registration data later?
      Yes, in "Your Account" you have a space where you can change your registration data, except your username. In particular, please see "user data".
      h. How can I activate my account?
      Once youīve completed the process of registration, SoloMusicos.com will send to your email account an email to activate your account. To access the website you must activate your username and for this you only have to click on the link provided.
      i. I registered but have not received the activation email. What should I do?
      It is possible that your email provider has filtered the message in the Inbox of spam or unwanted mail, or even, he has been deleted it. To solve this problem, the first option is to return to SoloMusicos.com and search the menu option "Activation Email". Please, specify the email that you used to register and weīll send a new activation email automatically.
      If you still can not get no activation email, write to us from your email to SoloMusicos <> with the subject "manual activation" indicating your "Email", "User" and "Country" and we proceed to the activation of your user account manually.
      j. What is the manual activation?
      Manual activation is aimed at all users who have failed to activate their account by theirselves. To do this, please send us an email with the subject "Manual Activation" indicating your email, username and country, and we proceed to your activation.
      k. How long do I have to activate my account?
      Each new user has 10 days to activate his account. After this time, it will be cancel your registration and you have to restart the process.
      l. Why is the activation of my account so important?
      The activation of account has different objectives. First, it ensures that you are the true owner of the email. Secondly, it ensures you will receive all communications from SoloMusicos and the other users of the website.
      m. How can I change the email related with my account?
      Go to "Your Account", section "User Data" and enter the new email. You must activate your account again and for it, we will send you a new email to activate your new email.
      n. What SoloMusicos do with the personal data of registered users?
      To get information about the management of your personal information, go to Legal Notice. Remember that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of your personal information.

      3. Musical Profile
      a. Is it necessary to create a Musical Profile?
      Yes, to access all the contents of the Website. It is the first information that other users will read to decide whether they contact you to propose musical projects or other proposals.
      b. What is the Musical Profile?
      The musical profile is the way you present yourself to the other users of this community. The musical profile collects information about your level (professional or amateur), your skills with the instruments, music studies, experience, your preferred music style, your influences, your short-term availability to start new projects and any other comments you wish to add.
      c. Why is not my instrument and / or musical style?
      SoloMusicos tries to include the most common instruments and styles. However, we are open to try to reflect those features of each country. In this sense, you can send us any proposal.
      d. How can I view or edit my Musical Profile?
      Go the User Menu "Your Account" and click on the option "Musical Profile" to view it. If you want to edit it click "Update Profile".
      e. My profile is "Non-Musician". How can I change it?
      To change from "Non-Musician" to Musician, you must delete your Musical Profile. To do this, you should go to "Your Account", option "Delete Musical Profile". Once deleted, you can create a new one.
      f. How can I know how many users have viewed my profile?
      This information is available in "Your Account", option "Musical Profile".
      g. I donīt want users can contact with me. Can I delete my musical profile?
      Yes, you can delete your profile at any time. Go to the section "Your Account" and click on the option "Delete Musical Profile". Before that, make sure you delete your "Multimedia Content" (audios and videos).

      4. User Account
      a. How can I access to my account?
      If you have already successfully completed the registration and activation of your account previously, only you have to enter your email and password that you used to register to access your account.
      b. What can I do if I forget my password?
      Right next to the section "Access", in the left menu, you will find the option "Did you forget your password?" Write your email and SoloMusicos.com will automatically create a new password, which will be sent to the email with which you registered.
      c. Can you remind me my password?
      No. Your password is stored in our Database through a system of 512-bit SHA-2 Encryption. For this reason, we canīt remember you your current password. Fill out the information requested on the section "Did you forget your password?" and you will receive a new password in your email.
      d. Once registered, Can I change my password?
      Yes, on "Your Account" you will find the section "Change Password", that lets you change your password as many times as necessary.

      5. Private Messages
      a. Does it cost to send a message to another user?
      No. This service is free and unlimited. You just need to register previously, but registration is also free.
      b. How many messages can I send per day?
      You can send to other users as many messages as you like, taking into account that there are controls to prevent misuse.
      c. How can I check my messages sent and received?
      In section "Your Account" called "Private Messages". You have; Inbox, Outbox and Compose Message.
      d. How can I know if someone sends me a private message?
      If anyone contacts you through the website, you will receive a notification email with which you registered.
      e. How can I know if my message has been read?
      SoloMusicos.com will send you a notification email when the user has read the message. To do this, you make sure you have this option ON when composing a message.
      f. How can I block a user?
      If you donīt wish to receive private messages from a particular user, you must click the icon "Block Author" that youīll find by reading a private message. Always you can unlock the user in section "Not Allowed" of "Your Account".
      g. How can I add a user to my Favorite Users?
      Please, click the icon "Add to Favorites" that youīll find by reading a private message or viewing a Musical Profile. You can always manage your favorites through the section "Favorite Users" of "Your Account".
      h. I donīt wish to receive notifications of new messages, How can I do?
      Go to "Your Account", in section "Email Preferences", and disable the option "Private Messages Notification".

      6. Services
      - Search Musicians
      a. What is the "Search Musicians"?
      Through the Search Musicians, whether you are professional, amateur or just an interested person to contact with musicians, you will find the musician that youīre looking for. To do this, you can consult the database of registered musicians and search by criteria such as instrument, style, profile (amateur or professional), among others.
      b. What are the "Related Musicians"?
      "Related Musicians" shows you musicians related to your style of music that reside on your province. Itīs a fast and easy way to see other musician profiles that you might find interesting.
      c. Could you look for musicians for me?
      No. SoloMusicos.com is a Musicians Community created to address some of the difficulties that appear when you start a musical project. We arenīt a management agency or representation. We encourage you to register for free and look for musicians by yourself.
      d. How can I contact with a musician?
      When you find a Musical Profile that interests you, you have the possibility to send a private message free. To do this, you will have previously register.

      - Influences
      a. What is the "Influences" service?
      The "Influences" service helps to look for and contact with other musicians who have similar influences. To do this, you must write the name of your favorite band or artist in the field created for this purpose. To obtain successful results, you must write the full name of the Band or Artist. Also, donīt forget to keep properly updated your influences in your Musical Profile, in order to be selected by other users.
      b. What does the list of bands that appear in "Influences" mean?
      Itīs a "Tag Cloud" with the Artists/Bands most influential for musicians of SoloMusicos.com. This ranking is made from musical influences of the total raised by the musicians. Each country has a different tag cloud.

      - Classifieds
      a. What is the "Classifieds" service?
      If through services such as "Search Musicians", "Influences",… you donīt find that musician you need, post free through our Classifieds.
      b. I posted an ad and it doesnīt appear immediately, Why?
      On SoloMusicos we care that the content of Classifieds is that users expect. To do this, any ad goes through a validation process. The validation process consists of a manual review of its content to verify that aspects such as category, description,..., fit with the theme of the website.
      c. Why the content of my ad has been slightly modified?
      To ensure user privacy, personal data are omitted as telephone, email, address,... Anyone interested in your ad can contact for free via "Private Messages".
      d. How can I know how many people have consulted my ad?
      Through "Your Account", in section "Your Ads", you must view the ad to explore this feature.
      e. How can I contact with the advertiser?
      Go to advertiserīs Musical Profile, where you have the possibility to send a private message for free. To do this, you will have previously register.
      f. What is "Similar Ads"?
      They are similar to ads youīre viewing. They have in common the province, style, instrument and type. In the absence of similar ads with these criteria, the application doesnīt appear.
      g. How can I see all the ads for a particular user?
      To do this, view any of the ads published by this advertiser and click the numeric link that appears next to his name. In case of absence, it means that the user only has an ad.
      h. I published an ad, Can I change it?
      No. You must delete your old ad and then create a new one. To delete an ad, you must go to "Your Account", in section "Your Ads", view your ad and click on "Delete Ad".
      i. Do you remove the ads after a while?
      No, unless you decide to do it through the options available in "Your Account". On SoloMusicos we keep all the ads and let the users decide for themselves. Therefore, itīs advisable to consult from time to time "Your Ads" to not receive unsolicited messages from other users.
      j. How can I remove my ads?
      To delete an ad, you must go to "Your Account", in section "Your Ads", view your ad and click on "Delete Ad".

      - Publications
      a. Do I need to be registered to consult this section?
      No. SoloMusicos makes this information available to all Internet users, especially reports about the Musicianīs Profile, under a "Creative Commons" license.
      b. What is the report of Musicianīs Profile?
      This is a report from data provided by the musicians of the website, analyzed jointly, from a given sample. This work aims to provide quantitative data about the aspects that characterize the musician.

      - Newsletter
      a. How can I find out news related to SoloMusicos?
      Go to "Your Account", in section "Email Preferences" and make sure you have enabled the option "Subscription". In this way, youīll know the latest news related to our website.

      - Audio and video
      a. How many audios and videos can I upload in my profile as a musician?
      You can add to your music profile up to 5 audios and 5 videos, through "Your Account", in section "Multimedia Content". For example, videos of your live performances or of your own videoclips hosted on YouTube.com or other similar websites. Also, songs that you have hosted on an external server to SoloMusicos.com
      b. What are tags?
      The tags are keywords or labels that provide intelligent attributes of a particular digital document to classify it according to their description. Itīs advisable to include many tags in your audios and videos. The important thing is to describe the content of Multimedia Content and allow other users to locate information without any kind of difficulty; for this reason, against more clear and descriptive can be the tag, the better.

      - Map of musicians
      a. Iīm not in the Map of Musicians, What happens?
      For reasons of usability and to avoid a slow load of the Map of musicians, only the last registered musicians are displayed for each query.
      b. My location is not correct, How can I change it?
      When you register, the website assigns you a position based on your geographic location. To change your position you must go to "Your Account", in section "My Location" and follow the indications offered. Itīs advisable not to pinpoint your location.