92,571 Musicians 92,335 Ads
14,629 Songs 525 Opinions



      Collaborate with Us  Collaborate

      In SoloMusicos we want you to feel part of this initiative.
      Here we propose some ways to collaborate

      Create a Website as SoloMusicos.com has implied us many hours of work and money. We have made efforts with much enthusiasm and desire because we love music. However, maintaining a web of these features is a huge cost in servers and bandwidth.
      Itīs for this reason that a good way to cooperate with this independent project is through a small donation.
      [Make a donation]

      You can collaborate actively in the dissemination of the project SoloMusicos in many different ways.
      Since the distribution of flyers, talking about this initiative in publications, forums and independent radio stations. From your own blog or website by adding a link to our site. Or just tell a friend who might be interested.
      Logos and designs ::
      - Logo 1 (300x61)
      - Logo 2 (150x27)
      - Logo 3 (80x15)
      - Banner 1 (468x60)
      - Flyer 1 (Din A5)   by Felipe Ficticio
      - Poster 1 (Din A3)   by Felipe Ficticio


      In SoloMusicos we would like to extend our project to musicians from many countries and languages.
      For this, we seek people available to collaborate in:
      - Translation website content
      - Learn peculiarities of each region
      - Validation ads
      - Validation of friendly links
      - Etc.
      In short, people who desire to be part of the Team of SoloMusicos.
      If you are interested and want to collaborate, any new idea is welcome. Contact Us.